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Should abortion be legal
12 years ago by homer2000 in society
Should abortion be legal, or is abortion morally wrong and should be illegal? Please state as to why abortion should be legal or illegal with a strong argument.Attach sources and a video if you have it.

Views: 6,674

Green Lettuce
While debating, choose the Green Lettuce side for Pro (if you are in favor of the debate.)

Red Cabbage
While debating, choose the Red Cabbage side for Con (if you are in opposition of the debate.)
Should marijuana use be legalized?
12 years ago by homer2000 in society
Should marijuana use be legalized? Choose if you are for, or against marijuana legalization with a strong argument.Attach photos or a video if you have it.

Views: 3,670

Green Lettuce
While debating, choose the Green Lettuce side for Pro (if you are in favor of the debate.)

Red Cabbage
While debating, choose the Red Cabbage side for Con (if you are in opposition of the debate.)
Should private citizens be allowed to legally own guns?
12 years ago by homer2000 in society
Vote about whether or not individual citizens should legally be allowed to own guns. Support your stance with a reasoned paragraph.

Views: 4,965

Green Lettuce
While debating, choose the Green Lettuce side for Pro (if you are in favor of the debate.)

Red Cabbage
While debating, choose the Red Cabbage side for Con (if you are in opposition of the debate.)
Should capital punishment (the death penalty) be permitted?
12 years ago by homer2000 in society
Should capital punishment (the death penalty) be permitted?Is it ever okay to kill a human being?Should taxes be used to put people to death?Capital punishment has, in the past, been practised by most societies; currently 58 nations actively practise it, and 97 countries have abolished it (the remai...

Views: 3,327

Green Lettuce
While debating, choose the Green Lettuce side for Pro (if you are in favor of the debate.)

Red Cabbage
While debating, choose the Red Cabbage side for Con (if you are in opposition of the debate.)
Should wars be fought on Earth?
12 years ago by homer2000 in society
Should wars be fought on Earth?Must wars be fought to bring about peace?Can wars be fought justly?Whether fought over resources, land or ideological differences, wars have shaped and reshaped the map of the planet, creating or destroying entire nations. Military history reaches as far back as human ...

Views: 3,251

Green Lettuce
While debating, choose the Green Lettuce side for Pro (if you are in favor of the debate.)

Red Cabbage
While debating, choose the Red Cabbage side for Con (if you are in opposition of the debate.)
10 Years Later, Was the Iraq War Worth It?
12 years ago by homer2000 in society
10 Years Later, Was the Iraq War Worth It?The Iraq War was an armed conflict in Iraq that consisted of two phases. The first was an invasion of Ba'athist Iraq starting on 20 March 2003 by an invasion force led by the United States. It was followed by a longer phase of fighting, in which an insurgenc...

Views: 3,638

Green Lettuce
While debating, choose the Green Lettuce side for Pro (if you are in favor of the debate.)

Red Cabbage
While debating, choose the Red Cabbage side for Con (if you are in opposition of the debate.)
September 11, 2001 (9/11) was an inside job
12 years ago by homer2000 in society
Was September 11, 2001 (9/11) an inside job? Let's find the truth. Post your reason with sources if you have them why or why not September 11, 2001 was or was not an inside job.

Views: 3,751

Green Lettuce
While debating, choose the Green Lettuce side for Pro (if you are in favor of the debate.)

Red Cabbage
While debating, choose the Red Cabbage side for Con (if you are in opposition of the debate.)
Should there be any zoos in the world?
12 years ago by homer2000 in society
Zoos argue that they save endangered species and educate the public, but animal rights activists believe the costs outweigh the benefits, and the violation of the rights of the individual animals is unjustifiable.Should there be any zoos in the world?

Views: 7,431

Green Lettuce
While debating, choose the Green Lettuce side for Pro (if you are in favor of the debate.)

Red Cabbage
While debating, choose the Red Cabbage side for Con (if you are in opposition of the debate.)
Enforced Uniforms : Is it a good idea?
12 years ago by homer2000 in society
Are enforced uniforms a good idea, such as in work and school?Policemen and Firefighters can be easily identified by their work attire, but what if work attire was not enforced?Good, or bad idea?

Views: 3,349

Green Lettuce
While debating, choose the Green Lettuce side for Pro (if you are in favor of the debate.)

Red Cabbage
While debating, choose the Red Cabbage side for Con (if you are in opposition of the debate.)
Should the U.S. Expand Offshore Oil Drilling?
12 years ago by homer2000 in society
Should the U.S. Expand Offshore Oil Drilling?Are there any benefits to expand offshore oil drilling?What would happen if another oil spill in the ocean were to happen?What would be our reward for knowingly taking these risks?Is it worth it?

Views: 5,506

Green Lettuce
While debating, choose the Green Lettuce side for Pro (if you are in favor of the debate.)

Red Cabbage
While debating, choose the Red Cabbage side for Con (if you are in opposition of the debate.)