Alexander the Great - Greatest Warrior

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Created: Tuesday, February 26, 2013 03:04 pm PST by homer2000.
Debate views: 3,566

Debate Summary

Arguably one of the greatest generals of antiquity, Alexander’s conquests extended the Macedonian kingdom from Greece to India, almost the entire known world at the time. Born in 356 BC his early years were spent under the tutelage of the philosopher Aristotle. His early military career was spent releasing Greece from the grasp of the Persians. From there he moved through Syria, Egypt (where he founded the city of Alexandria and visited the oracle of Ammon and claimed his divinity), and Asia Minor before his final conquest into India. He then returned to the west and began making preparations to invade Arabia but before he could achieve this conquest, he fell ill and died in June 323 BC. Throughout his reign, the casualties of his troops compared to those of his enemies were considerably less, mostly due to his quick tactical thinking and his love for the men who fought under him.



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Absolutely agree. Have anyone try and command over 50,000 people without technology and rapid communication, very little knowledge of terrain and location, conquer lands and people like clockwork, and have them plan it and do it in basically thirteen years. Easy peezy.
12 years ago
posted by BADASSET  |  Reply  |  Flag this debate answer Flag

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