Bruce Lee vs. Chuck Norris. Who Wins?

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Created: Tuesday, March 12, 2013 02:07 pm PST by homer2000.
Debate views: 7,181

Debate Summary

Bruce Lee vs. Chuck Norris. Who Wins? Fight to the death. State your reason below.



Top Debate Answers
1$starfruit Carambola (starfruit) - Top Debate Answer
Lettuce (Pro) LETTUCE (Pro) - Chuck Norris doesn't lose fights, but when he does, it's to Bruce Lee.

answered by homer2000
12 years ago     (Go to debate answer)
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Lettuce (Pro)
Bruce Lee

Green Lettuce

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Number of lettuce debate answers: 2
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In concurrence to homer2000
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12 years ago
posted by BADASSET  |  Reply  |  Flag this debate answer Flag

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Tomato Up Vote + 2

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- 0 Onion Down Vote

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homer2000 profile picture
Chuck Norris doesn't lose fights, but when he does, it's to Bruce Lee.
12 years ago
posted by homer2000  |  Reply  |  Flag this debate answer Flag

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Cabbage (Con)
Chuck Norris

Red Cabbage

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