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Vermont and North Dakota have passed laws enabling hemp licensure. Both states are waiting for permission to grow hemp from the DEA. Currently,[when?] North Dakota representatives are pursuing legal measures to force DEA approval. Oregon has licensed industrial hemp as of August 2009. Hemp is not legal to grow in the U.S. under Federal law because of its relation to marijuana, and any imported hemp products must meet a zero tolerance level. It is considered a controlled substance under the Controlled Substances Act (P.L. 91-513; 21 U.S.C. 801 et seq.). Some states have made the cultivation of industrial hemp legal, but these states — North Dakota, Hawaii, Kentucky, Maine, Maryland, Oregon, California, Montana, West Virginia and Vermont — have not yet begun to grow it because of resistance from the federal Drug Enforcement Administration.
Should hemp be made legal?
Top Debate Answers

answered by homer2000 12 years ago (Go to debate answer)


100% majority of vote

answered by homer2000 in concurrence to homer2000 12 years ago (Go to debate answer)


100% majority of vote
Lettuce (Pro)
Green Lettuce
While debating, choose the Green Lettuce side for Pro (if you are in favor of the debate.)
Number of lettuce debate answers: 2
Yes, Hemp should definately be made legal.
Here's why:
Hemp can't get you high unless it is the size of a telephone pole. Hemp is not to be confused with marijuana.
hemp, Cannabis sativa [Credit: John Kohout/Root Resources]plant of the genus Cannabis (family Cannabaceae) that is cultivated for its fibre (bast fibre) or its seeds, which contain about 30 percent oil and may be eaten. Hemp is sometimes confused with the cannabis plants that serve as sources of the drug marijuana and the drug preparation hashish.
The first American flag was made from Hemp.
The Declaration of Independence is drafted on hemp paper.
George Washington, Thomas Jefferson and John Adams, our founding fathers, grow hemp and extol its benefits.
Abraham Lincoln uses hemp seed oil to fuel his household lamps.
Henry Ford builds an experimental car body made with hemp fiber, which is ten times stronger than steel.
In 1957, Hemp is last grown in the U.S. due to government confusion over hemp and drug varieties of the plant, while new government incentives for industry replace natural fibers with plastics, ultimately bankrupting key hemp processors.
The benefits of Hemp are on a grand scale and can boost the U.S. economy, as the U.S. climate is perfect for growing Hemp.
The legalization of Hemp does not have to be the legalization of Marijuana or Hashish.
Hemp also has many health benefits, being that it is rich in vitamins and minerals.
Hemp has the potential to replace all major non-renewable raw materials. Hemp fibre is stronger and more versatile than any other plant derived fibre, including cotton and wood. Hemp could also potentially replace petroleum products including plastics.
Deforestation is occurring at around 3% per year, and hemp is a far superior resource since it can be grown to maturity in 100 days. Hemp paper is far stronger and durable than paper made from trees.
Why keep hemp illegal? The only reason I see keeping hemp illegal is because some corporations will lose profits from hemp. But why fear hemp? Change the business model to benefit from hemp, and all people are happy, making the environment better, saving money, and using it to create great products that can last lifetimes.
Yes, Hemp should definately be made legal.
Here's why:
Hemp can't get you high unless it is the size of a telephone pole. Hemp is not to be confused with marijuana.
hemp, Cannabis sativa [Credit: John Kohout/Root Resources]plant of the genus Cannabis (family Cannabaceae) that is cultivated for its fibre (bast fibre) or its seeds, which contain about 30 percent oil and may be eaten. Hemp is sometimes confused with the cannabis plants that serve as sources of the drug marijuana and the drug preparation hashish.
The first American flag was made from Hemp.
The Declaration of Independence is drafted on hemp paper.
George Washington, Thomas Jefferson and John Adams, our founding fathers, grow hemp and extol its benefits.
Abraham Lincoln uses hemp seed oil to fuel his household lamps.
Henry Ford builds an experimental car body made with hemp fiber, which is ten times stronger than steel.
In 1957, Hemp is last grown in the U.S. due to government confusion over hemp and drug varieties of the plant, while new government incentives for industry replace natural fibers with plastics, ultimately bankrupting key hemp processors.
The benefits of Hemp are on a grand scale and can boost the U.S. economy, as the U.S. climate is perfect for growing Hemp.
The legalization of Hemp does not have to be the legalization of Marijuana or Hashish.
Hemp also has many health benefits, being that it is rich in vitamins and minerals.
Hemp has the potential to replace all major non-renewable raw materials. Hemp fibre is stronger and more versatile than any other plant derived fibre, including cotton and wood. Hemp could also potentially replace petroleum products including plastics.
Deforestation is occurring at around 3% per year, and hemp is a far superior resource since it can be grown to maturity in 100 days. Hemp paper is far stronger and durable than paper made from trees.
Why keep hemp illegal? The only reason I see keeping hemp illegal is because some corporations will lose profits from hemp. But why fear hemp? Change the business model to benefit from hemp, and all people are happy, making the environment better, saving money, and using it to create great products that can last lifetimes.
Here's why:
Hemp can't get you high unless it is the size of a telephone pole. Hemp is not to be confused with marijuana.
hemp, Cannabis sativa [Credit: John Kohout/Root Resources]plant of the genus Cannabis (family Cannabaceae) that is cultivated for its fibre (bast fibre) or its seeds, which contain about 30 percent oil and may be eaten. Hemp is sometimes confused with the cannabis plants that serve as sources of the drug marijuana and the drug preparation hashish.
The first American flag was made from Hemp.
The Declaration of Independence is drafted on hemp paper.
George Washington, Thomas Jefferson and John Adams, our founding fathers, grow hemp and extol its benefits.
Abraham Lincoln uses hemp seed oil to fuel his household lamps.
Henry Ford builds an experimental car body made with hemp fiber, which is ten times stronger than steel.
In 1957, Hemp is last grown in the U.S. due to government confusion over hemp and drug varieties of the plant, while new government incentives for industry replace natural fibers with plastics, ultimately bankrupting key hemp processors.
The benefits of Hemp are on a grand scale and can boost the U.S. economy, as the U.S. climate is perfect for growing Hemp.
The legalization of Hemp does not have to be the legalization of Marijuana or Hashish.
Hemp also has many health benefits, being that it is rich in vitamins and minerals.
Hemp has the potential to replace all major non-renewable raw materials. Hemp fibre is stronger and more versatile than any other plant derived fibre, including cotton and wood. Hemp could also potentially replace petroleum products including plastics.
Deforestation is occurring at around 3% per year, and hemp is a far superior resource since it can be grown to maturity in 100 days. Hemp paper is far stronger and durable than paper made from trees.
Why keep hemp illegal? The only reason I see keeping hemp illegal is because some corporations will lose profits from hemp. But why fear hemp? Change the business model to benefit from hemp, and all people are happy, making the environment better, saving money, and using it to create great products that can last lifetimes.
Cabbage (Con)
Red Cabbage
While debating, choose the Red Cabbage side for Con (if you are in opposition of the debate.)
Number of cabbage debate answers: 0