Created: Tuesday, March 26, 2013 04:08 pm PST by homer2000.
Last Modified: Tuesday, March 26, 2013 04:12 pm PST.
Last Modified: Tuesday, March 26, 2013 04:12 pm PST.
Debate views: 4,616
Debate Summary
Should same-sex marriage be legal?
Choose Pro or Con below and answer with a strong argument, with any sources or videos if you have them.
As the Supreme Court hears arguments over gay marriage, the debate over the rights of couples of the same sex has also reverberated around the globe.
Introduction of same-sex marriage laws has varied by jurisdiction, being variously accomplished through a legislative change to marriage laws, a court ruling based on constitutional guarantees of equality, or by direct popular vote (via a ballot initiative or a referendum). The recognition of same-sex marriage is a political, social, human rights and civil rights, as well as a religious issue in many nations and around the world, and debates continue to arise over whether same-sex couples should be allowed marriage, be required to hold a different status (a civil union), or be denied recognition of such rights. Allowing same-gender couples to legally marry is considered to be one of the most important of all LGBT rights.
Studies conducted in several countries indicate that support for the legal recognition of same-sex marriage increases with higher levels of education and that support is strong among younger people. Additionally, polls show that there is rising support for legally recognizing same-sex marriage globally across all races, ethnicities, ages, religions, political affiliations, socioeconomic statuses, etc.
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