Debate views: 8,753
Debate Summary
Which came first, the chicken or the egg?
The chicken or the egg causality dilemma is commonly stated as "which came first, the chicken or the egg?" To ancient philosophers, the question about the first chicken or egg also evoked the questions of how life and the universe in general began.
Cultural references to the Chicken and Egg intend to point out the futility of identifying the first case of a circular cause and consequence. It could be considered that in this approach lies the most fundamental nature of the question. A literal answer is somewhat obvious to some people, as egg-laying species pre-date the existence of chickens. To others, the chicken came first, seeing as chickens are merely domesticated Red Junglefowls. However, the metaphorical view sets a metaphysical ground to the dilemma. To better understand its metaphorical meaning, the question could be reformulated as: "Which came first, X that can't come without Y, or Y that can't come without X?"
Top Debate Answers

answered by homer2000 12 years ago (Go to debate answer)


100% majority of vote

answered by homer2000 12 years ago (Go to debate answer)


100% majority of vote
Lettuce (Pro)
Green Lettuce
While debating, choose the Green Lettuce side for Pro (if you are in favor of the debate.)
Number of lettuce debate answers: 1
My argument is not for chicken, nor for egg, but for both coming at the same time. I mean, think about it. If the chicken or egg did come first, how did they procreate. For this to logically make sense, both had to come at the same time. A rooster hatched from the egg, the rooster "kicked it" to the chicken, and they laid more eggs, thus creating more chickens and roosters, and thus today, we have all these chickens and roosters.
My argument is not for chicken, nor for egg, but for both coming at the same time. I mean, think about it. If the chicken or egg did come first, how did they procreate. For this to logically make sense, both had to come at the same time. A rooster hatched from the egg, the rooster "kicked it" to the chicken, and they laid more eggs, thus creating more chickens and roosters, and thus today, we have all these chickens and roosters.
Cabbage (Con)
Red Cabbage
While debating, choose the Red Cabbage side for Con (if you are in opposition of the debate.)
Number of cabbage debate answers: 1